Free Online Math and Language Games or TOOLS for K1 up to Sec 4 and beyond - A review
What am I doing up at 1am in the morning? Preparing for an assignment when this website caught my eye! Perhaps some of you already know about it but there's just so much on the cyber world I didn't know about. It's a really interesting website that allows a child as young as 5, play online quizzes which focuss on Math or English. They appear like games but are actually educational. While I still firmly believe that nothing should replace personal interaction with the little one or personally coaching a child, I can think of countless occasions this webby will come in useful. at a doctor's clinic while waiting for a concert or event to start needing to coach the other one and yet not wanting to feel guilty over not spending time with the other...the list goes on... Here are some screenshots. On the website, the quizzes are meant for K1 and up, but I can also imagine the more enthusiastic N1s at J's school enjoying the...